Long Zheng at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA, for his crucial reading and comments. mAb against the VWF-A2 domain name (A1555-G1595) reduces the proteolytic cleavage of VWF by ADAMTS13 under shear stress, suggesting the role of this region in conversation with ADAMTS13. Introduction Plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a large multimeric glycoprotein that interacts with platelet surface receptors and is crucial for normal hemostasis. The adhesive activity of VWF is usually positively correlated with the size of the multimers in plasma [1], [2]. VWF multimer size is usually regulated by metalloproteinase ADAMTS13, which cleaves the central A2 domain name of VWF at the Tyr1605-Met1606 bond [3]C[4]. The importance of VWF proteolysis by ADAMTS13 is usually exhibited in two syndromes, i.e., thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and von Willebrand disease type 2A. The former is usually associated with the deficiency of plasma ADAMTS13 activity, either due to congenital mutations or acquired autoantibodies [5]C[7]. The latter is mostly caused by mutations in the A2 domain name of VWF that lead to the increased proteolysis of VWF multimers by ADAMTS13 [8], [9]. Many factors modulate the proteolysis of VWF by ADAMTS13. These ligands that bind the A1 domain name of VWF such as platelet glycoprotein Ib, heparin and ristocetin promote VWF proteolysis by ADAMTS13 [10]. In addition, platelets also significantly enhance the WAY 170523 cleavage of VWF multimers by ADAMTS13 under fluid shear stress [11], [12]. On the contrary, thrombospondin-1, an extracellular matrix adhesion protein, may compete with ADAMTS13 for binding to the A3 domain name of VWF, which reduces the rate of VWF proteolysis by ADAMTS13 [13], [14]. In this study, we investigated the effects of eight murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against numerous domains of VWF on its proteolysis by ADAMTS13 under physiologically relevant conditions. Among those, mAb SZ34 dramatically decreased the susceptibility of VWF to ADAMTS13 under shear stress, but not under static/denaturing conditions. The epitope of SZ34 was mapped to the amino acid residues between A1555 and G1595 in the central A2 domain name of VWF. Our findings highlight the crucial role of this region for ADAMTS13-mediated proteolysis under shear stress. Results Anti-VWF mAb SZ34 decreases the susceptibility of VWF to proteolysis by ADAMTS13 under shear stress In this study, we used rADAMTS13 and pVWF as the sources of enzyme and substrate to determine the effect of SZ34 on VWF proteolysis Mouse monoclonal to BDH1 under shear stress. The cleavage product was determined by SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions followed by Western blot. WAY 170523 The results showed that this 350 kDa cleavage product of VWF under shear stress was reduced in the presence of SZ34 in a concentration-dependent manner (Physique 1). The half maximal (50%) inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the SZ34 was estimated to be approximately 50 g/ml (Physique 1). In contrast, other anti-VWF mAbs including 1C1E7 (an anti-VWF D’D3 mAb), SZ129 (an anti-VWF A1 mAb), SZ123 (an anti-VWF A3 mAb) and so on had no effects around the proteolytic cleavage of VWF by ADAMTS13 (Physique 1 and Table 1). The control experiments established the lack of detectable proteolysis in the absence of ADAMTS13 or in the addition of 20 mM EDTA to reaction mixtures (Physique 1). Open in a separate window Physique 1 SZ34 inhibits the proteolytic cleavage of pVWF by rADAMTS13 under shear stress.(A) Purified pVWF (150 nM) was pre-incubated with SZ34 (0C200 g/ml) for 30 min at 37C, and then incubated with 50 nM rADAMTS13. After 5 min of vortexing at 2,500 rpm on a mini vortexer, the 350 kDa cleavage products were visualized by 5% SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions and Western blot analysis. 1C1E7 (an anti-VWF D’D3 mAb), SZ129 (an anti-VWF A1 mAb) and SZ123 (an anti-VWF A3 mAb) were used as unfavorable controls. (B) Changes in the cleavage products detected relative to that observed WAY 170523 in the absence of mAbs were decided under shear stress by densitometry. The extent of cleavage was analyzed by detection of the intensity of the 350 kDa cleavage products. Results symbolize the mean standard deviation of four impartial experiments. Table 1 Summary of 8 mAbs to VWF and their effects on VWF proteolysis by ADAMTS13. and (Lowercase letters for and and and and and -cgg aat tc TCA GTG ATG GTG.